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[image size="thumbnail" image_link="on" link_type="large" caption="on" lightbox="on" limit=3 align="right" image_frame="on" image_id=159]



To Create an „Add To Quote“ link in your post place the following shortcode:
[addquote title="title here" url="http://www.yoururl.com]title here[/addquote]

To Insert an „Add To Quote“ link in all your posts place this function in the appropriate template file of your theme loop:
my_fav_quote_the_link(„add_link=Add to Quote&remove_link=Remove from Quote“)

Don’t Forget to place your „Quote Cart“ widget where you want to display selected quotes and „Request Quote“ form

For More Information visit Plugin Site

And that’s all you need to do. When you add a footnote, Footnotes for WordPress will
create a note marker at the point that the foonote appears in the text, and includes
the text of the footnote in a styled list of notes down the page. When a reader clicks
on the link in a JavaScript-enabled browser, a script included with the plugin will
create a small bubble inline in the text, which pops up over the footnote marker for
easy reading without losing their place. In non-JavaScript-enabled contexts, clicking
on the footnote marker jumps down the page to the text of the note.

The jump is based on an unique anchor which the plugin can automatically generate for
you. However, if you want to create a specific ID of your own for the footnote, you
can do so using the `name=“…“` attribute:

This is footnoted.[ref name="my-unique-id-1"]Text[/ref]

If you define an ID for a footnote, you can also refer back to the same footnote
later on in the document, using the `[backref name="..."]` shortcode.

This is footnoted.[ref name="source1"]Source 1[/ref]

So is this.[ref name="source2"]Source[/ref]

And this one comes from the same source as the first.[backref name="source1"]

By default, the list of footnotes appears at the bottom of the post. However, if you
wish them to appear somewhere above the bottom of the post, for formatting or other
reasons, you can do so using the `[references/]` shortcode:

This is footnoted.[ref]Text[/ref]

As are some[ref]Text[/ref] other things.


See also: Endnotes.

Which will cause the two footnotes to appear beneath the second paragraph but above
the „See also:“ text.

== Screenshots ==

[pearl_csv_to_webpage_display filename = score.csv]

[pearl_csv_to_webpage_display filename = dsdfds.csv]


[swf src="http://www.testing.jecool.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/arrow_right_black_bg.swf" width=300 height=100>arrow_right_black_bg[/swf]

